17 March 2020

ABP Southampton races postponed

We’re sorry to announce that the ABP Southampton Marathon has been postponed to Sunday 21st June 2020, in the interest of public safety and to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). We know that many of you have been training really hard for the April event but we hope you understand the reasons for postponing. Further details from Rees Leisure can be found here https://www.abpsouthamptonhalf.co.uk/blogs/posts/abp-southampton-marathon-postponed/

The event normally raises around £50,000 for Southampton Hospitals Charity and cancellation of the run will have a knock on effect to our funds that enhance care at UHS for patients, families and staff. Your support at this time is very much appreciated and we hope this postponement doesn’t dampen your spirits to be involved in our events.

It’s a difficult time for all concerned, but we know that we have the best supporters out there and we’re here for you if you need us.

Last updated: 17/03/2020

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