21 January 2021

Badge of honour for NHS staff

Staff across University Hospital Southampton (UHS) have been receiving badges of honour as a token of appreciation for their unwavering dedication, hard work and commitment throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

A letter of thanks including a pin badge, wellbeing day and refreshment token were sent directly to employees’ homes. The badges have been designed to commemorate the months and continued hard work delivered in response to COVID-19, and were accompanied by a thank you message that recognised the personal sacrifices made in helping UHS manage COVID-19 in the hospital and community.

This memento was made possible thanks to Southampton Hospitals Charity, whose supporters and donors continue to rise to the challenge to fund innovative projects that have supported the wellbeing of staff and patients across the Trust throughout the pandemic.

Peter Hollins, Chair of University Hospital Southampton said,

Throughout the pandemic our staff have shown exceptional dedication and commitment to keeping our hospitals running, our patients cared for, and colleagues supported.

They continue to endure the most difficult time in the history of the NHS and we will forever be grateful.”

As we’re approaching the anniversary of the first COVID-19 case in the UK, and we find ourselves in the grip of the most challenging phase of the pandemic, Acting Medical Director at UHS, Paul Grundy said,

It’s been an incredibly difficult time looking after COVID patients and the numbers of patients has been increasing exponentially. Unfortunately things will get worse before they get better. So we hope this token of appreciation will go some way in showing our staff how valued they are.”

Southampton Hospitals Charity is continuing its efforts to raise vital funds to support staff and patients across UHS where it is most needed.

Beth Hall, Interim Joint Director, Southampton Hospitals Charity said,

The money already raised from our Appeal has meant that we’ve been able to respond quickly to requests made from staff across UHS, ensuring that they are able to continue providing patients with the best possible care. We’re committed to supporting our staff and patients now and after the pandemic, through your donations, which have never been more needed. With your help, we can get Southampton through the third wave.”

To donate to Southampton Hospitals Charity’s NHS Heroes appeal, visit southamptonhospitalscharity.org/NHSheroes or text

  • NHSHEROES 3 to 70460 to donate £3
  • NHSHEROES 5 to 70460 to donate £5
  • NHSHEROES 10 to 70460 to donate £10

For more information on the appeal, visit https://staging.southamptonhospitalscharity.org/NHSheroes

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