13 May 2021
Celebrating International Nurses Day
International Nurses Day celebrates the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the mother of modern nursing.
As part of this celebration, we held a virtual event to discuss all things nursing, and to show the impact that nursing has in the hospital. The session videos break down as below:
- Jeneen Thomsen and Beth Hall, Joint Interim Directors, Southampton Hospitals Charity
They share what the Charity has been doing for the nurses this week as part of the celebration. They also introduce our new Priority Appeal, so we can provide support where it is needed the most. - Gail Byrne, Chief Nursing Officer
Gail talks about Florence Nightingale’s birthday, and the impact she made on modern nursing. She also goes on to talk about nursing through a pandemic, and how Charity support was crucial with this. - Louisa Green, Divisional Director of Nursing and Professions for Southampton Children’s Hospital
She speaks about the roles that nurses play within University Hospital Southampton, and shares three stories of excellent care within the children’s hospital. - Lynda Tellett, Cardiac Nurse Specialist (adults)
Lynda has worked for University Hospital Southampton since 1978, and speaks about adapting the service through the pandemic. Since the start, her team were fielding over 90 calls a day on the helpline from concerned patients wanting advice. - Emma Squires, Patient Services Improvement Officer
She speaks about the anniversary of the Patient Support Hub, funded through Southampton Hospitals Charity and NHS Charities Together, and also discusses all the ways that the Hub supports patients. - Question and answer session
This is a question and answer session for our International Nurses Day panellists. All questions were sent to us from the attendees prior to the event.
Introduction to the virtual event for International Nurses Day
Our Chief Nursing Officer discusses nursing through a pandemic
Our Divisional Director of Nursing for the children's hospital talks about nursing careers
Our cardiac nurse specialist discusses how services have adapted over the last year
Find out how our Patient Support Hub continues to support patients
Celebrating nurses at UHS
Question and answer session with our panelists
Southampton’s priority appeal
Our priority appeal enables us to support any area of the hospital that is most in need.
Your generosity will make a difference at the exact moment it is needed.
When a dementia patient needs something extra to make them feel at home, when young patients need art supplies for distraction or to aid recovery, or when our staffroom kettles break, you’ll be there.