20 June 2023
Funding chairs around the hospital
Recently, Southampton Hospitals Charity has purchased numerous chairs for use by our patients and staff across University Hospital Southampton.
It isn’t always specialist equipment that is needed in the hospital, but even the little things like additional chairs can make all the difference when you need to spend long periods of time in hospital.
Here are two examples of the chairs we’ve bought in the last month.
In the radiotherapy department, patients come in for scans, doctors will plan treatment with them, and then they receive their radiotherapy treatment.
We’ve recently funded 60 chairs for the department split across five waiting areas. They come in a lot of shapes and sizes to suit everyone’s needs and were ordered in dementia-friendly colours for the benefit of our patients.

F2 ward
F2 ward specialises in trauma and orthopaedics, caring for patients who have come in through the emergency department with fractured bones.
We’ve recently purchased some additional chairs for the unit. They are already in constant use by the physiotherapy and occupational health teams and are accessible to all loved ones visiting patients so they can spend quality time with them.