9 October 2022
Hampshire Homes raise over £10,000 for Piam Brown ward
Tom Moody, Managing Director at Hampshire Homes Group Ltd talked to us about the company’s ongoing partnership with Piam Brown ward. To date, the construction company has raised over £10,000, with Tom raising a further £3,500. He says:
“My first fundraiser was a boxing match five years ago which raised £5,500! Then in 2019 I competed in the Romsey Relay Marathon whilst wearing a pink tutu due to a sum being agreed of course for additional fund raising! We put a team in every year and will continue to support the charity where we can.
It felt like something I just had to do for the Piam Brown children’s cancer ward at Southampton Children’s Hospital. The ward has become very close to my heart, and I was thrilled when Hampshire Homes chose to partner with Southampton Hospitals Charity to continue to raise money specifically for the ward.

Since then, we’ve gotten involved with more fundraising events. Recently we did clay pigeon shooting. Two of the people at the event had relatives who had been treated on the ward, and there was one parent whose child was still going through treatment. Another girl had actually also been on the , and she was telling us all about her experiences and the incredible staff at the hospital.”

Every year, Piam Brown ward sees over 120 new families from all over the south coast. We treat all types of cancer from birth to 16 years old, so the demand on our resources is huge.
Tom continues, “We love raising money for Piam Brown ward as we can really see the impact of our fundraising. They help to provide memories through trips and outings for the families, equipment for the ward, or research trials to help those currently going through treatment, and much more.
I think if we can just give the children that little bit of enjoyment, then it makes our hard work worth it. Fundraising for Piam Brown ward really is an honour for us as a company. We do it because we enjoy it, and we know it can make a massive difference for our local hospital.”
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