21 June 2022
Hannah’s 100-mile cycle for Southampton Hospital
Hannah Sinclair has taken on a 100-mile cycle this June to show her appreciation to the G4 renal team in Southampton Children’s Hospital.
“My husband, Kirby, and I live in Winchester with our seven-year-old daughter, Tala.
In May 2021 I discovered that I was pregnant.
We got a bit of a shock as we discovered that we were expecting twins on the third scan. We knew that they were identical twins as they were sharing one placenta.
I needed regular scans during the pregnancy to make sure that they were both growing normally. Unfortunately, it was an eventful pregnancy, including a short spell in hospital with threatened premature labour.
Thankfully everything settled down and the girls managed to hang on until 33 weeks before making an appearance.
Lyla and Iris were born in mid-December in Winchester Hospital by emergency caesarean. They both weighed about 4lbs.
We were able to hold them for a few minutes, however they were quickly rushed away to the neonatal unit to be assessed.
Shortly after delivery Iris took a turn for the worse.
Her kidneys weren’t working properly and so was transferred to the specialist neonatal intensive care unit in Princess Anne Hospital, Southampton.

It was tough having two new babies in different hospitals, however the staff were all amazing and supported us through a very difficult time.
We met the renal (kidney) team, who came to see Iris every day. It was very hard not knowing why her kidneys weren’t working properly.
The staff in the neonatal unit were so kind and caring. Despite the large number of wires and tubes attached to Iris, they made it possible to get Iris out so that I could hold her in my arms. This was such an incredible feeling.
Eventually, Iris was able to be transferred to the G4 kidney ward at Southampton Children’s Hospital. I remember she looked so tiny in her huge cot.
After six long weeks, we were able to take Iris home to join her sisters. Iris had a feeding tube and a cocktail of medications, however the team spent a lot of time with us so we could manage this ourselves.
Since returning home, we have spent a lot of time in outpatients making sure that Iris continues to do well. Her kidneys unfortunately have not recovered, however she is otherwise growing and developing well.
My challenge
On 18 June I cycled 100 miles around Hampshire in support of Southampton Hospitals Charity.
I have felt overwhelmed by the care we received from all the healthcare professionals who looked after my family and wanted to do something to say thank you.

I wanted to set myself a challenge. Although I have cycled 100 miles before, this was before my twin pregnancy!
I had a few friends and family joining me, which was a real motivation for me to complete the challenge.”