27 February 2024

Improving experiences in times of anxiety at Southampton Children’s Theatres

Southampton Hospitals Charity have funded a project to decorate the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust Children’s theatres and installed a beautifully designed artwork created by Headfudge Design. Watch the time-lapse video to see what an incredible difference it has made to the space.

Julia Barnes, Theatres Recovery Team Leader says “We’ve had lots of really positive comments from both staff and patients – the words ‘cheery’, ‘friendly’ and ‘welcoming’ have been used a lot.
The hopscotch is getting lots of use; I am told that yesterday a parent and child were spending their waiting time doing it over and over again, timing each other and seeing who could do it faster!
What is really nice to hear is how even the older children and teenagers have enjoyed the design. In particular, the quote above the desk: ‘One day you will see just how brave you have been’ (by Charlie Mackesy) seems to strike a chord with patients and parents alike.
It makes a huge difference and really improves the experience of anxious children (and their parents) who are waiting to go into theatre. For myself and the team, it is really special for the area to cater so beautifully for our specific patient group and it will serve them for years to come.”

The Charity are grateful to all the staff who supported this wonderful project, including Sister, Julie Marin who shaved her head to fundraise for the project!

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