16 March 2022
Law firm supports the hospital
Paris Smith, a full service law firm based in Southampton and Winchester, have been delighted to support Southampton Hospitals Charity and specifically the Piam Brown children’s cancer ward, as its charity of the year for 2021/22.
Emily Sadler, Partner and Chair of the Paris Smith Charity Committee, says: “Piam Brown ward was chosen as a result of a vote by the firm’s 200+ staff. We have a strong connection to the ward since Ben Pavitt, the son of one of the firm’s partners was treated on the Piam Brown ward following a lymphoma diagnosis in July 2020.
Ben sadly died in October 2021, but his legacy lives on with the firm’s support of the hospital.
Despite pandemic restrictions, the firm has raised over £5,000 taking part in mainly virtual fundraising activities. This has required some innovative thinking from the firm’s charity committee!
- Name the otter competition
- Staff took part in the ABP Southampton 10k and half marathon

- Participation in the Charity’s annual ‘Festive Day’ – including a raffle for a luxury Christmas hamper, a best decorated Christmas tree competition and a Christmas present appeal
- Six Nations sweepstake
Havant and Waterlooville football club have kindly been collecting funds on our behalf on match days using the Charity’s collection buckets.
We have also given our clients the opportunity to donate any small amounts of surplus money left on their accounts to our charity partner. All of these extra initiatives really do add up!
Charity partnerships are incredibly important to the firm. They boost morale and the staff really enjoy getting involved with our planned initiatives to support such good causes.”

Corporate partnerships
Becoming a corporate partner of Southampton Hospitals Charity is your opportunity to not only make a significant difference to patient care at University Hospital Southampton, but it can also boost your company’s results.
There are many ways we can work together:
- Charity of the Year partnership
- Employee fundraising
- Company donations
- Corporate sponsorship
- Gifts in Kind
- Cause related marketing
- Payroll Giving / Pennies from Heaven
- Volunteering