9 October 2020
Mental health is for all
This world mental health day (Saturday 10 October), we want to highlight that mental health is for all.
‘Challenging’, ‘stressful’ and ‘tiring’ were just some of the words our staff used to describe their experience of working through the first wave of the pandemic. And many have used the psychological support provided through our emergency coronavirus response appeal.
Here’s what some of our staff have said:
“I have felt emotionally and physically exhausted. The Charity provided the StaffLine online support and also little goodies like boost boxes, which provided short moments of respite amongst the chaos.”
“The introduction of the wellness rooms gives staff a place to take a very much needed quiet break away from the wards.”

“The last few months have been incredibly challenging and life-changing for everyone, but in different ways. It has been a real privilege to work for UHS, and there has been a real sense of community and pulling together to get the work done. Whilst there have been some very difficult times, I have also seen people finding positives in it. For instance I never thought online counselling/psychology could ever work but I have learned that it is an amazing alternative!”
“The support has been invaluable. It is nice to know someone is thinking of us.”
For our staff:
Locations of our wellness rooms can be found on Staffnet, or you can access StaffLine (via Switchboard) between 12.30 – 2.30pm Monday to Friday, staffed by UHS psychologists.
Last updated: 9.10.2020