16 June 2021
New service for bladder cancer patients
Because of your generous support, patients with bladder cancer are now able to receive chemotherapy in our Urology Unit.
Until recently, patients cared for at University Hospital Southampton needed to make weekly trips to Salisbury District Hospital to receive their chemotherapy treatments.
Seeing an opportunity to improve patient care, our Urology team approached the company that distributes the machines they needed.
They were able to secure loan of a chemotherapy machine, free of charge.
All that was needed was the stock to administer the treatments – and that’s been funded by your generous donations!

Nearly £2,000 worth of items, including specialist lines and adapters, have been purchased.
The new kit means that patients living in the Southampton area no longer have the burden of a weekly journey to Salisbury. Plus they will receive continuity of care from our staff who can now look after them from the time of diagnosis through to discharge.
Thanks to your generosity, the team are now administering chemotherapy to their first patients.
Southampton Hospitals Charity has been brilliant for us” Claire Tull, Senior Sister, explains. “There were so many things we wanted in the Unit.
We’ve been able to install ceiling tiles with outdoor imagery on them that make the patients more relaxed when they come in. We’ve also had projectors and music systems funded, for when people are having treatment.
What we had was a fragmentation in our service, so at some point our patients would have to go to Salisbury if they were having further treatment. This has been such a game changer for us that we can treat them here.
Thank you – it’s made a big difference!”