Maternity Services
At University Hospital Southampton, we’re a centre of excellence for maternity care, providing a comprehensive service and a choice of birth options, including home birth, for about 6,000 women each year from around Southampton.

We’re also a regional centre for fetal and maternal medicine, providing specialist care for women with medical problems during pregnancy, and for those whose baby needs extra care before or around birth.
We’re a leading teaching centre for nursing, midwifery and medical students, and home to the regional centre for neonatal intensive care.
How Charity support has impacted the hospital
- The winner of our Charity star award at the Hospital Heroes ceremony in 2021 was midwife Laura Sinclair for her fundraising to help refurbish the birthing pool on Labour ward. Work will be undertaken shortly on this.
- We’ve funded a dedicated breastfeeding room at Royal South Hants hospital to offer new mums the privacy they often want while breastfeeding to help nurture the bond between mother and child.
- To support mums and babies we provided an industrial microwave to sterilise expressing kits, and a milk warmer to ensure that babies needing additional feeding support on Transitional Care or the postnatal wards can have their milk warmed to safe temperatures.
- Patient games and activities to distract mums-to-be and new parents.
- TENS pads and machines for Broadlands Birth Centre. These are used to reduce pain while mothers are in early-stage labour.