14 August 2022
Rapid detection of acute kidney injuries
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) occurs when your kidneys suddenly stop working as they should and can be caused from a lack of blood flow to the kidneys, usually in someone who’s already unwell with another health condition.
Each year the Acute Medical Unit at University Hospital Southampton sees 200 patients with Acute Kidney Injuries. It is essential that they are treated quickly and effectively to prevent future issues.
Thanks to your support, we’ve been able to buy a point-of-care testing (POCT) machine that allows staff to provide targeted, effective, life-saving care for acute admissions with AKI.
It’s already saving lives…
Becky Bonfield, Lead Advanced Nurse Practitioner at the Renal Unit shared Mr Logan’s* story to demonstrate the difference your generosity made to an individual in our care.
Mr Logan had been admitted to hospital acutely unwell, with multiorgan failure in part due to sepsis.
He had a history of heart problems and there was a fine balance between managing his heart medicines and treating his acute illness.

The POCT machine in the admissions area meant we had access to creatinine results immediately and were able to adjust his medication accordingly.
Mr Logan then spent a few days in hospital before being discharged home with a plan for AKI team follow-up shortly after discharge.
When attending the AKI follow-up Mr Logan reported some worrying symptoms and it was arranged that he would attend same-day emergency care, where he would be reviewed by the team.
When he arrived the POCT was used to get access to an instant blood result. It was found that his kidney function had deteriorated since his catheter had been removed.
A scan of his kidneys was arranged and it was found that his bladder was unable to empty completely.
A catheter was inserted, an outpatient appointment with the urology team was arranged, and Mr Logan was then discharged home the same day.
Without the access to the POCT there would have been a delay in getting the blood results, leading to a delay in requesting the kidney scan. He would have had to stay in hospital.
This device not only meant that we could provide safe and effective treatment for this patient and many others, but we were able to avoid unnecessary hospital admissions.”
Thank you so much to our supporters for making this happen. It is of massive benefit to both our patients and staff.
*Name changed to protect patient identity.