13 May 2020
Thank you from Southampton Hospitals Charity
We’re very grateful to our fantastic community for supporting our coronavirus response appeal.
The money already raised from our appeal has meant that we’ve been able to respond quickly to requests made from staff across UHS, ensuring that they are able to continue providing patients with the best possible care.
We’ve provided over 400 Boost Boxes containing toiletry and food items, 6,690 free meals for staff, cordless phones and iPads for staff as well as patients to connect with their loved ones, wellbeing rooms for staff to take a break from the ward environment with support and refreshments on hand, as well as changing facilities with lockers for them to keep their personal items safe whilst on shift.
We’re committed to supporting our staff and patients now and after the pandemic. Thank you for your donations to our appeal.

Staff wellbeing rooms
Service Improvement Manager at UHS, Dan Winter-Bates comments:
It is about creating a culture of mindfulness quickly to meet this new demand. To do this we need to be providing support and a space which feels very different from the hospital so that staff don’t feel like they need to be ‘on’. We want them to feel like they can really switch off.
Staff are facing unimaginable pressures and long, busy shifts. This is combined with the uncertainty which coronavirus has brought to the hospital.
The space will provide a setting for online sessions, psychological or spiritual support, and a space in which to unwind or connect with loved ones. Importantly these rooms will look very different from the rest of the hospital to create the sensation of having left the clinical environment behind.”
Last updated: 13/05/2020
Emergency Department lockers
Daniel Holligan, Medical Workforce Project Manager said,
The Emergency Department have had to relocate many of their staff rest and changing facilities to ensure they are not within a COVID19 area. Staff changing facilities were particularly impractical, with a limited number of working lockers and an enclosed set up.

The refurbished room means we have significant more lockers for staff only a short way from the Emergency Department, the room has also been opened up to allow not just a nicer lighter space but more room to practise social distancing.
Thanks to Southampton Hospitals Charity the staff now have a staff space and pleasant place to start and end their shift and to store their belongings”.