22 September 2023
Triathlon to thank neurological team
In 2020, Nick Bach-Price daughter Elisha had a freak skateboard accident where the nurses at Southampton’s neurological intensive care unit saved her life.
“I live in Staines, Surrey, with my wife Tracy. We were so proud when our daughter Elisha wanted to follow in our footsteps and become a Chiropractor.
Elisha studied for a Masters in Chiropractic at Bournemouth University, which is where she had her accident. She was 21 at the time and loved skateboarding!
What happened next was just a freak accident where we think her wheel hit a small stone which caused her to fall off directly onto her head.
An ambulance was called, and she was taken to Poole Hospital. After assessing her injuries, they immediately transferred her to the specialist Wessex Neurological Centre at University Hospital Southampton.

They performed multiple CT scans on Elisha in the neurological intensive care unit before she was rushed to surgery for an emergency craniectomy and cranioplasty. This is where some of her skull bones were removed from her head and placed in her abdomen for about eight weeks while the swelling reduced.
It was a very tense time for Tracy and me, but the staff in Southampton were incredible and literally saved our daughter’s life.
Elisha stayed in hospital for around seven weeks, and about a month after she was discharged, Elihsa had further surgery to replace her skull bones.
We were fortunate enough to spend the next four months in the Algarve where Elisha continued her healing, and after six months she was fully discharged from Southampton’s care where she then went back to University to continue her studies as a Chiropractor.

September’s triathlon challenge
This September, Elisha, now 27, her boyfriend, Harry Pescott, my friend Nick Barker, and I have signed up for the Hever Castle Triathlon.
This is a 1k swim, 20k bike ride, and then a 5k run!
It is the second time I will have done this challenge as Elisha and I competed in this event in 2016. We both felt it was important to express our gratitude for the care and treatment given to Elisha and so we are raising money for the Head Trauma Nurses Fund through Southampton Hospitals Charity.
We have made sure to follow a 12-week training plan to ensure we are ready for the event as I know how hard parts of the course are!”