Through our partnership with The National Free Wills Network, you can contact a solicitor to write your Will for free.

The National Free Wills Network is a trusted network of over 800 solicitors who can write or update your Will for free. They have written thousands of Wills for people all over the country, so you can be sure you’re in good hands.
To access the National Free Wills Network, please contact our Individual Giving manager Ben Perrio on 023 8120 8881 or email your name and address to and we will pass your details on to the network. You will then receive in the post details of participating local solicitors.
If you’d prefer, you can add your details to the form below for us to pass on. We promise not to share or sell your details to anyone else.
Did you know you can leave Southampton Hospitals Charity 1% in your Will, so those closest to you inherit the remaining 99%?
David James, Individual Giving Officer